\'\'; Strengtheing the role of parliamentarians in the democractic process\'; Strengtheing the role of parliamentarians in the democractic process; \'\'; Strengtheing the role of parliamentarians in the democractic process; \'; \'

A United Nations Development Program



Excecutive Summary

A. Issues for Debate
B. Objectives
C. Workshop Organization

Legislators on Legislatures I. A Quantitative look at the thoughts of participants

Legislators on Legislatures II. A Qualitative look at the thoughts of participants
A. Executive - Legislative Relations
B. Legislative - Judiciary Relations
C. Legislative - Military Relations
D. The political party and congress
E. The political party, Society and Democracy
F. Electoral rules, campaign Finance
 G. Constituents and representation,
H. Interest Groups and participation
I. Media - Legislative Relations 


A United Nations Development Program. (1998). \'\'; Strengtheing the role of parliamentarians in the democractic process\'; Strengtheing the role of parliamentarians in the democractic process; \'\'; Strengtheing the role of parliamentarians in the democractic process; \'; \' ([No definido] ed.). UNDP.


  • Ubicación:Colección general - 328.3 - UN58s
  • Edición:[No definido]
  • Ciudad:Valparaíso
  • Fecha Publicación1998
  • Editorial:UNDP
  • Temas:Prácticas parlamentarias. Democracia.
  • ISBN:[No definido]


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