Great Books of the Western World: The Syntopicon

Enciclopaedia Britannica



 THE SYNTOPICON:I: The arrangement of the Syntopicon consists of three main parts: the 102 idea-chapters, a bibliography of additional readings, and an Inventory of Terms. The 102 chapters and the Inventory of Terms, taken together, are the tools the reader uses to participate in the great conversation across the centuries within the context of each idea. Angel. Animal. Aristocracy. Art. Astronomy and Cosmology. Beauty. Being.   THE SYNTOPICON: II. An Index to the Great Ideas. Man. Mathematics. Matter. Mechanics. Medicine. Memory and Imagination. Metaphysics. Mind. Monarchy. Nature. Necessity and Contingency. Oligarchy. One and Many. Opinion. Opposition. Philosophy. Physics. Pleasure and Pain. Poetry. Principle. Progress. Prophecy. Prudence. Punishment. Quality. Quantity. Reasoning. Relation. Religion. Revolution. Rhetoric. Same and Other. Science. Sense. Sign and Symbol. Sin. Slavery. Soul. Space. State. Temperance. Theology. Time. Truth. Tyranny and Despotism. Universal and Particular. Virtue and Vice. War and Peace. Wealth. Will. Wisdom. World.  HOMER. The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer.  AESCHYLUS. SOPHOCLES. EURIPES. ARISTOPHANES. The Plays of Aeschylus. The Plays of Sophocles. The Plays of Euripides. The Plays of Aristophanes. Contents of v.5: The History of Herodotus. Thucydides: The History of the Peloponnesian War.  PLATO. THE DIALOGUES OF PLATO. Charmides. Lysis. Laches. Protagoras. Euthydemus. Cratylus. Phaedrus. Ion. Symposium. Meno. Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. Gorgias. THE REPUBLIC. Book I-Book X. Timaeus. Critias. Parmenides. Theaetetus. Sophist. Statesman. Philebus. LAW. Book XI-Book XII. THE SEVENTH LETTER. ARISTOTLE. THE WORKS OF ARISTOTLE, v.1. LOGIC (ORGANON). Categories. On Interpretation. Prior Analytic. Posterior Analytic. On Sophistical Refutations. PHYSICAL TREATISES. Physics. On the Heavens. On Generation and Corruption. Meteorology. METAPHYSICS. On the Soul. SHORT PHYSICAL TREATISES. On Sense and the Sensible. On Memory and Reminiscence. On Sleep and Sleepleness. On Dreams. On Prophesying. On Longevity and Shortness of Life. On Youth and Old Age, On Life and Death, On Breathing.  ARISTOTLE. THE WORKS OF ARISTOTLE, v.2. BIOLOGICAL TREATISES. History of Animals. On the Partos of Animals. On the Motion of Animals. On the Gait of Animals. On the Generation of Animals. NICOMACHEAN ETHICS. POLITICS. THE ATHENIAN CONSTITUTION. RHETORIC. ON POETICS. Contents of v.9: HIPPOCRATIC WRITINGS. The Oath. On Ancient Medicine. On Airs, Waters, and Places. The Book of Prognostics. On Regimen in Acute Diseases. Of the Epidemics. On Injuries of the Head. On the Surgery. On Fractures. On the Articulations. Instruments of Reduction. Aphorisms. The Law. On Ulcers. On Fistulae. On Hemorrhoids. On the Sacred Deisease. GALEN: On the Natural Faculties. Contents of v.10: THE THIRTEEN BOOKS OF EUCLID\'S ELEMENTS. THE WORKS OF ARCHIMEDES INCLUDING THE METHOD. INTRODUCTION TO ARITHMETIC BY NICOMACHUS. Contents of v.11: LUCRETIUS. EPICTETUS. MARCUS AURELIUS. PLOTINUS. Lucretius: The Way Things Are. The Discourses of Epictetus. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Plotinus: The Six Enneads. Contents of v.12: VIRGIL. The Eclogues. The Georgics. The Aeneid. Contents of v.13: PLUTARCH. THE LIVES OF THE NOBLE GRECIANS AND ROMANS. Theseus. Romulus. Romulus and Theseus Compared. Lycurgus. Numan Pompilius. Lycurgus and Numa Compared. Solon. Poplicola. Poplicola and Solon Compared. Themistocles. Camillus. Pericles. Fabius. Fabius and Pericles Compared. Alcibiades. Coriolanus. Alcibiades and Coriolanus Compared. Timoleon. Aiemilius Paulus. Aiemilius Paulus and Timoleon Compared. Pelopidas. Marcellus. Marcellus and Pelopidas Compared. Philioeman. Flamininus and Philiopoeman Compared. Phyrrus. Caius Marius. Lysander. Sulla. Lysander and Sulla Compared. Cimon. Lucullus. Cimon and Lucullus Compared. Nicias. Crassus. Crassus and Nicias Compared. Sertorious. Eumenus. Eumenus and Sertorious Compared. Agelilaus. Pompey. Agesilaus and Pompey Compared. Alexander. Caesar. Phocion. Cato the Younger. Agis. Cleomanes. Tiberius Gracchus. Caius Gracchus. Caius and Tiberius Gracchus and Agis and Cleomenes Compared. Demosthenes. Cicero. Cicero and Demosthenes Compared. Demetrius. Antony and Demetrius Compared. Dion. Marcus Brutus. Brutus and Dion Compared. Aratus. Artaxerxes. Galba. Otho. Contents of v.14: TACITUS. The Annals. The Histories. Contents of v.15: PTOLEMY: The Almagest. NICOLAUS COPERNICUS: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. JOHANNES KEPLER: Epitome of Copernican Astronomy: IV-V. The Harmonies of the World: V. Contents of v.16: SAINT AUGUSTINE. The Confessions. The City of God. On Christian Doctrine. 


Enciclopaedia Britannica. (1991). Great Books of the Western World: The Syntopicon (2a.ed. ed.). The University Of Chicago.


  • Ubicación:Referencia - 032 - EN56g
  • Edición:2a.ed.
  • Ciudad:Chicago
  • Fecha Publicación1991
  • Editorial:The University Of Chicago
  • ISBN:0852295316


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